Jeffrey's Modpack - Jeffrey Game Archives

Minecraft forge, Davinchis Vessels, and Moving World(Davinchis vessels dependent)

DaVinchis Vessels Source | Moving World Source | Minecraft Forge Source | Durzocraft Resource Pack info page

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Jeffrey's MC Modpack by Jeffrey Meng - Instructions
  1. Install forge for your operating system - run the file inside the folder for your OS(Windows or Mac/Linux).
  2. Open and launch minecraft once. Once you get to the home screen of the game(not the launcher), you can quit.
  3. Navigate to the minecraft folder for your OS:
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\.minecraft
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
    • Linux: ~/.minecraft
  4. Move the davincisvessels-1.12-6.340-full.jar and movingworld-1.12-6.342-full.jar mod files into the mod folder inside your minecraft folder. The mod folder is created by Forge after the first time you run the game. If you do not see the mod folder, redo step 2. If it still does not appear, double check your Forge Installation.
  5. OPTIONAL: Move the DurzoCraft_3.0 resource pack FOLDER into the resource packs folder within your minecraft folder.